Modern Style lesson 1: Classic Pants

Charlotte says:
"The Classic Pant must never be flirty, tight, cropped or be anything approaching a legging. It can be pleated or bagged, have turnups or buttons but it must have strength. The Classic Pant is the epitome of casual power. No one would wear the Classic Pant without knowing exactly who they were. The wearer always has the last word (think of Bette Davis) and has no need of steely skirts or shoulder pads as cursory nods towards femininity.
The Classic Pant looks great with real simplicity: plain flat shoes (never heels), pumps, brogues, even plimsolls. It loves a plain round neck or polo neck sweater or straightforward skirt."
Eleanor says:
Charlotte, you give us so much and yet you don't divulge how we can discover "exactly" who we are! What for those of us who aren't quite sure?
I suppose what you mean is that those who know who they are know how to discover who they are and thus don't need to ask, and those who don't know who they are ask the question I just asked to which there is obviously no answer. In essence, I guess what you're saying is I (and anyone else who doesn't know "exactly who they were") wouldn't wear the Classic Pant.
Oh well, I'm just glad we've established a difference between a "steely skirt" and a "straightforward skirt"!
Thank you, Charlotte!
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