7 May 2009

Photo of the week, so to speak!

I've been thinking of doing this for a while and today seemed like as good a day as any to launch a new idea so - voila! - Photo of the week, so to speak!

Because, as you may have noticed, I love indulging in copious Quote of the day, yay!'s (apologies for this, I just never seem to tire of their non-daily, quote-like yayness), I thought why not start something similar using photos instead of quotes?

I like a good photograph just as much as the next (wo)man, so I thought perhaps it's time to play around with the word/image balance around here. Thus, while Qotd, y! has secondary pictures, Potw, sts! will have secondary words. Golly, I love that dichotomy! [Disclaimer: under no circumstances will Potw, sts! appear on a regular weekly basis.]

So, without further adieu, I present one of Lucas Liccini's Beijing is in China: First impressions series as the very first Photo of the week, so to speak! Thank you, Lucas.

Please click to enlarge.


Anonymous Manon said...

underwater city much?

13 May, 2009 07:13  

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