Reading As Community: Cave Club #3
At the invitation of Roxanne Maillet, on Tuesday 11 April 2017 I read 'Joan of Arc' at the third Cave Club, "Reading As Community", with simultaneous translation into French by Jessica.

Roxanne invites writers to read their work to an audience of listeners. She records this reading, transcribes and uses it as the basis for a unique "editorial object", where voice rather than word is the graphic source-material. Other invited readers have included Anouchka Oler, Gabrielle Smith & Jacqueline Aubenas, and Aline & Quentin Goujout.

You can get more info and purchase the text-objects at!

Many thanks to Roxanne Maillet and to Simon Asencio.

Roxanne invites writers to read their work to an audience of listeners. She records this reading, transcribes and uses it as the basis for a unique "editorial object", where voice rather than word is the graphic source-material. Other invited readers have included Anouchka Oler, Gabrielle Smith & Jacqueline Aubenas, and Aline & Quentin Goujout.

You can get more info and purchase the text-objects at!

Many thanks to Roxanne Maillet and to Simon Asencio.
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