5 April 2011

Ex-Trendy - Losing Business

One of my very favourite bands, Ex-Trendy, independently released their first EP in March. I recently received a wonderful little parcel all the way from Sydney from my amazing friends, it contained two copies of their little gem titled Losing Business! Super!

The release is a wonderful seven-track romp through the melodic mental landscape of band members Matte Rochford and Robbie Ho (below, from Sydney and Hong Kong respectively), whose beautiful voices, Latin-infused acoustic guitars and subtle keys (with the sometimes assistance of Reuben James Alexander on drums or harmonica) make for a listening experience that is at once psychotic and relaxing (Poetry Song), melancholic and furious (Battery Low).

Ex-Trendy's songs include lyrics like 'I have a habit of destroying the things I love and losing them, I cut them up with scissors or put them in a treehouse and then it rains' (Losing Things), and 'I was standing in line at the textbook store trying to get some information, I was mixing my mind in computer signs trying to get a new location, I was battering the screen in saliva stream trying to get a breath of air, I was scoping out the scene with a fax machine and a dial tone in my ear' (Textbook Store). Needless to say, the band are as much a lyrical treat as they are a sonic one. I've been a fan since I first saw them play at Stucco in Newtown, Sydney back in 2009 so am very excited for this record.

Ex-Trendy launched Losing Business at the Red Rattler in Marrickville, Sydney on 11 March (see pic above) and at the Wesley Anne in Northcote, Melbourne on 29 March. For more info you can also find Ex-Trendy on Facebook!


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