In June 2008, Anastasia Freygang and I commenced a correspondence that continues today. In January 2009 we made a film in Berlin and Paris, which was first screened on 28 May in Paris for Anastasia's 28 mai event, and then on 22 October in Sydney, for parataxis.

Through the film, we tried to approach and broach some of our thoughts about how female identity is constructed - particularly in terms of external appearance via clothing. Furthermore, we wanted to explore whether such an identity or perception of identity is inherent or imposed, natural or learned, and whether this matters. These among other things. These, at least, as starting points. Perhaps we finished differently.
The text below accompanied the film as a voiceover. We recorded it in Anastasia's atelier in Paris a couple of weeks after we had filmed the footage (in the suburbs of West Berlin). I wrote it at the end of 2008 by appropriating the text of email exchanges between myself and various other women, quotes from books, song lyrics, and my own words.
All these things seemed to have assembled themselves in my sub-conscious the preceding six-months and demanded to be brought together and externalised somehow. Hence, this rather abstract text emerged (it was only much later I learned the grammatical term 'paratactic' could be applied to it). Its combination with Anastasia's beautiful filming style (also filmicly paratactic, I would venture) seemed to work. I was very happy with the response I received at the Sydney screening.

The film is 13:32 minutes long. Below is the text, which was also printed and adhered to the gallery wall for parataxis, and which should take approximately thirteen-and-a-half minutes to read. Please click.

Stay tuned for more parataxis works.

Through the film, we tried to approach and broach some of our thoughts about how female identity is constructed - particularly in terms of external appearance via clothing. Furthermore, we wanted to explore whether such an identity or perception of identity is inherent or imposed, natural or learned, and whether this matters. These among other things. These, at least, as starting points. Perhaps we finished differently.
The text below accompanied the film as a voiceover. We recorded it in Anastasia's atelier in Paris a couple of weeks after we had filmed the footage (in the suburbs of West Berlin). I wrote it at the end of 2008 by appropriating the text of email exchanges between myself and various other women, quotes from books, song lyrics, and my own words.
All these things seemed to have assembled themselves in my sub-conscious the preceding six-months and demanded to be brought together and externalised somehow. Hence, this rather abstract text emerged (it was only much later I learned the grammatical term 'paratactic' could be applied to it). Its combination with Anastasia's beautiful filming style (also filmicly paratactic, I would venture) seemed to work. I was very happy with the response I received at the Sydney screening.

The film is 13:32 minutes long. Below is the text, which was also printed and adhered to the gallery wall for parataxis, and which should take approximately thirteen-and-a-half minutes to read. Please click.

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