Quote of the day, yay!
"Et l'on n'ose pas croire que la substance de ce vaste monde est réservée à la mort at à la ruine, lorsqu'on voit de telles masses de terres prêtes à s'écrouler!"
- Sophie Ristelhueber
Sophie Ristelhueber is exhibited at Jeu de Paume, Paris, until 22 March 2009.
Pic: jeudepaume.org
- Sophie Ristelhueber
Sophie Ristelhueber is exhibited at Jeu de Paume, Paris, until 22 March 2009.

Please translate fro the non-francophone philistines amongst us!
"We don't dare believe that the substance of this vast world is reserved for death and ruin, (even) while we see such great masses of land ready to collapse!"
We don't dare to believe because we must have hope in order to carry on. Otherwise there is no point. Yet the knowledge of it pervades our existence and somehow drives us forward to be better (or worse) things.
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