Quote of the day, yay!
'In appearance, speech may well be of little account, but the prohibitions surrounding it soon reveal its links with desire and power. This should not be very surprising, for psychoanalysis has already shown us that speech is not merely the medium which manifests — or dissembles — desire; it is also the object of desire. Similarly, historians have constantly impressed upon us that speech is no mere verbalisation of conflicts and systems of domination, but that it is the very object of man's conflicts.
But our society possesses yet another principle of exclusion; not another prohibition, but a division and a rejection. I have in mind the opposition: reason and folly. From the depths of the Middle Ages, a man was mad if his speech could not be said to form part of the common discourse of men. His words were considered null and void, without truth or significance, worthless as evidence, inadmissible in the authentification of acts or contracts, incapable even of bringing about transubstantiation — the transformation of bread into flesh — at Mass.'
-- Michel Foucault, 'The Discourse On Language', Social Science Information 10/2, April 1971, trans. Rupert Swyer

Thanks to Elena Betros for directing me to this essay.
But our society possesses yet another principle of exclusion; not another prohibition, but a division and a rejection. I have in mind the opposition: reason and folly. From the depths of the Middle Ages, a man was mad if his speech could not be said to form part of the common discourse of men. His words were considered null and void, without truth or significance, worthless as evidence, inadmissible in the authentification of acts or contracts, incapable even of bringing about transubstantiation — the transformation of bread into flesh — at Mass.'
-- Michel Foucault, 'The Discourse On Language', Social Science Information 10/2, April 1971, trans. Rupert Swyer

Thanks to Elena Betros for directing me to this essay.
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